

Course VI-1



Course II



Course VI-3

Full View
1) Gear Bozes. 45:1 gear ratio for a fast bot.
2) The HandyBoard. Behold.
3) Hawker Cell Batteries, separated to balance the robot.
4) IR Beacon, a compulsory eyesore.
5) Mechanical Servo Arm, powerful enough to ensnare and lift the contest balls.
6) Servo to power the arm.
7) Shaft encoders, a must for a well designed robot.

Rear View
1) Independent Differential Servos enable the robot to pivot and turn with high precision.
2) Rear Bump Sensors for finding the wall and cup.
3) Cup Bump Sensor for when we are about to score!
4) CDS Cell, placed over the Startlight
5) Ball Color Sensor tells us whether it is our ball or not.

Front View
1) Extension wings to guide balls in.
2) Forward Bump Sensors for driving.
3) Side Bump Sensors for driving.
4) Mouth Bump Sensors for triggering the arm.
5) In-One-End-Out-The-Other Ramp.
6) Infra-Red Breakbeam Sensor to determine if a ball has been captured.

Our Lovely Assistants.

Our robot was built around solving the problem in the most difficult way, successfully placing a ball of our own color in the cup at the bottom. Many teams, out of shear inability abandonded this approach in order to attempt to win by minimal effort, but we stuck to it.

The robot's basic procedure was as follows:
1) Determine it's color.
2) Drive towards the balls on its side of the playing field.
3) Pick up the balls in this order, to be sure that it was able to find one of it's own.
|(X) (2)
|(3) (1)
4) Drive backwards down to the bottom, and then pivot it's rear toward the cup.
5) Drive backwards utilizing the rear bump sensors to detect the cup.
6) As soon as the cup bump sensor is pressed, eject the ball and WIN!

During our testing, our scoring strategy was shown to be the fastest reliable method among all of the teams due to our low gear ration and high pivoting accuracy. Unfortunately, due to some difficult issues the robot had trouble acquiring balls which rapidly consumed our testing time.

Our robot, despite having the best intents toward winning the entire competition did not make it past the second round (like many other robots). There was a severe code bug that gave us a loss during the first round and a false start plus forgetting to reactivate our batteries dashed our hopes for victory.

  • DO Make friends with the TA's that really enjoy working with robotics (Thanks Paul).
  • DO Develop your basic strategy before the end of the first week.
  • DO Test your robot a million times.

  • DO NOT Use wall-following as a strategy.
  • DO NOT Attempt to line-follow.
  • DO NOT Short your handyboard sensors.
  • DO NOT Forget to turn on your batteries.
  • DO NOT Leave less than two days to program the robot.

  • This was a great experience for us and we hope that you will take on the challenge next year!